"every chair should be the best seat in the house"
- vivian spencer

I designed upholstered folding chairs to create spaces of belonging.
Allow me to explain. Upholstered folding chairs provide the following benefits:
Expandable/contractable seating arrangements
Comfort for every individual
Together, these benefits create a space of belonging, where all are welcome to join (because of expandable seating), everyone has the best seat in the house (not only the most comfortable but also the best-looking), and no one is overwhelmed with providing hospitality (folding chairs are easy to set up).
Everyone has felt left out at some time in their life. But we can learn from the folding chairs and take it upon ourselves to make sure no one is left friendless or unwelcome in our spaces.

up next


Deupholstering so I can start reupholstering!


Bought my first can of spray paint!